Jobs - This new movie is a must see

Jobs - This new movie is a must see

Chronicling the period of 1971 – 1991, Ashton Kutcher stars as Apple co-founder Steve Jobs in the epic story of the brilliant and passionate entrepreneur whose singular vision launched a digital revolution that changed the way we live forever.

Raised in a working-class suburb of Northern California, Reed College drop-out Steve Jobs was a lost soul aimlessly searching for his identity.  He traveled to India for enlightenment and experimented, like much of his generation, with hallucinogenic drugs -- only to find himself toiling in obscurity as a technician for a struggling videogame-maker. Unable to tolerate the confines of a nine-to-five job, he throws himself into marketing a small computer board invented by his brainy childhood pal, Steve “Woz” Wozniak (Josh Gad). Using his natural marketing abilities and combining it with his technological knowledge, Jobs convinces a local electronics-store owner to order 100 units. By recruiting a handful of friends to assemble the units in his parents’ garage to fulfill the order, Apple Computers is born!

Moving full-steam ahead with the backing of investor Mike Markkula (Dermot Mulroney), Woz’s prototype evolves into the world’s first personal computer. Driven by Jobs’ relentless pursuit of excellence and his disdain for the status quo, Apple transforms the world of computing, forcing giants like IBM to change course and play catch up. But there’s a dark side to Jobs’ driving force: a shocking lack of compassion that ultimately leaves a path of discarded lovers, betrayed friends and disillusioned colleagues in his wake.

As Apple expands into a global corporation, Jobs’ perfectionism and confrontational style is his ultimate undoing.  His insistence on pouring massive amounts of company resources into an unproven product called the Macintosh alienate the company’s board, forcing him to turn over control to former Pepsi executive John Sculley (Matthew Modine). But without Job’s vision and leadership, the company drifts further from his lifelong goal of creating sleek, intuitive machines that serve as natural extensions of their users. More than a decade later, a new board decides that Jobs is the only person who can return the shine to Apple. Retaking the company’s helm, Jobs sets a course that will turn the once-tiny start-up into the world’s most valuable company as he oversees a string of groundbreaking products that will change technology—and the way we live -—forever.

1.8.2013 | Admin | UPRAVIT

7 pádů Honzy Dědka

7 pádů Honzy Dědka

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