Trip: Loučná nad Desnou v létě - za sportem i relaxací

A trip around the neighborhood: Loučná nad Desnou
WalkingHalf day tripmírná náročnost
Relax centrum Gól

The Trip Loučná nad Desnou v létě - za sportem i relaxací has 5 stops. It is 1.5 kms long and it takes about 30 minutes on foot.


stop is Minigolf Loučná nad Desnou

Minigolf Loučná nad Desnou
At the moment we have no more information about Minigolf Loučná nad Desnou in English. Loučná nad Desnou, Loučná nad Desnou 57
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stop is Skatepark Loučná nad Desnou

Skatepark Loučná nad Desnou
At the moment we have no more information about Skatepark Loučná nad Desnou in English. Loučná nad Desnou, skatepark
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stop is Rybník Kocián

Rybník Kocián
At the moment we have no more information about Rybník Kocián in English. Loučná nad Desnou, rybník
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stop is Zámek Loučná nad Desnou

Zámek Loučná nad Desnou
At the moment we have no more information about Zámek Loučná nad Desnou in English. Loučná nad Desnou, zámek
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5.1 224

stop is Relax centrum Gól

Relax centrum Gól
At the moment we have no more information about Relax centrum Gól in English. Loučná nad Desnou, Rejhotice 166
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Hiking trail

Trip labels
  • sport
  • activities for children
  • for kids
  • relax
  • pond
  • palace
  • tenis
  • sauna
  • minigolf
  • natural sights

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