Event details

Prague 5, Janáčkovo nábřeží 2 Prague

26.3.2024 at 20:00 (Tuesday)

Na stání: do 26 let 200 Kč, nad 26 let 300 Kč. Jednotné vstupné na sezení 400 Kč.

More Rock/Pop Tickets

Darkness Positive + Batáty

Darkness Positive + Batáty

Darkness Positive 

Darkness Positive is a quartet from Slovakia. Their strength is their great musical chemistry, which comes from long hours in the rehearsal room. On their album you will find pop, rap, funk, art-rock, jazz and various other influences delivered with admirable musical feeling and insight. The musicians themselves say they play "music from the first", which is a reflection of what's going on in their heads. The ease with which they approach the making of music videos is also evident in their approach to creating. The current one for Idze Neidze was created in Microsoft's sketchbook. "I often can't even justify why I play certain particular routines (ed. note: e.g. the oriental passages in the song I Don't Know What's the Matter with Me). Since the music is very spontaneous and relaxed, I thought that the lyrics could be the same," says Šimon Švidraň, who handles the vocals and guitar lines in the band and lyrically refers to various situations in life, be it relational or political and social.


Batáty is a funk-rock band from České Budějovice. The crazy singer and the rhythm section are accompanied by a trumpet player, a trombone player and a saxophone player. Expect unrelenting grooves, misunderstood jokes and a naked Lukáš Holý at the performance of this wild pack. You'll take away a heart full of love and anger, and maybe even a recipe for a simple potato pie.

More about Darkness Positive + Batáty Event www

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