Event details

Prague 5, Janáčkovo nábřeží 2 Prague

22.3.2023 at 20:00 (Wednesday)

Vstupné do 26 let 200 Kč, nad 26 let 300 Kč. Jednotné vstupné na sezení 400 Kč.

More Jazz/Blues Tickets

Lawn Dogs + Spící Obři

Lawn Dogs + Spící Obři

Lawn Dogs

Lawn Dogs was formed in the summer of 2018 in Budapest. They play only their original music. They strive for honesty and freedom in their music. They are inspired by various sources from which they try to extract their own "essence". They strive for

something unique and combine existing sounds and effects to create new, unique music.

Spící Obři

Spící Obři (Sleeping Giants) is a new guitar trio that prides itself on the lively and spontaneous musical communication of its members. This often takes place on the basis of airy and burdened grooves, mysterious melodies and hazy interludes. Their aim is to dazzle humanity and make the mountains dance.

More about Lawn Dogs + Spící Obři Event www

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