Event details

Plzeň, Most Ivana Magora Jirouse 2 Plzeň Region

5.6.2017 at 20:00 (Monday)

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O Crivo + Hello?

O Crivo + Hello?

João Paulo Gross (BR):O CRIVO

Sertão is one of the poorest and driest regions in the heart of Brazil. Despite or perhaps because of this it provides powerful inspiration and compels artists to probe deep into the human soul. Prominent Brazilian intellectual and writer João Guimaraes Rosa has written stories about it, particularly "The First Stories", which provide the foundation for Gross's duet O CRIVO (Riddle).

The wild voice of Nature resounds in the movements of the creator in perfect symbiosis with the second man on the stage. Everyone walks his own story, seeking solitude to lead a dialogue with himself. How else can we truly be who we are and achieve coexistence in all the unrest in the world today? Ser-tão is also a Portuguese pun meaning "to be so much."

Lim Set Byeol (KR): Hello?

Corporate culture in Asia places strong pressure on self-control, and is reflected throughout Korean society. Just no emotion! It is inappropriate to express anxiety, shame, excitement, fear, anger. Everything has its own order. When and where can you actually freely express yourself? At the theatre, perhaps. The author openly shares her feelings and her duet captivated audiences at Masdanza.

This bold criticism of the pressures of South Korean society earned Main award from the international jury at Masdanza. Lim Set impressed audiences with her exceptional precision, coordination and incredible dance technique, which is no coincidence, as she danced two years with Akram Khan. The complexity of the work is emphasized by sound, costumes and the lighting atmosphere.

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