Event details

Prague 1, Náměstí Republiky 5 Prague

19.6.2018 at 19:00 (Tuesday)

150 Kč - 600 Kč

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Prague Proms: Pietro Mascagni / Messa di Gloria

Prague Proms: Pietro Mascagni / Messa di Gloria

The Ital­ian com­poser Pietro Mascagni (1863 – 1945) is most widely known for his 1890 opera Cav­al­le­ria rus­ti­cana (Rus­tic Chivalry) which is con­sid­ered a clas­sic verismo style opera. It is tra­di­tion­ally staged to­gether with Rug­gero Leon­cav­allo’s Pagli­acci as a sin­gle act.

Mascagni’s fa­mous opera came shortly af­ter his highly suc­cess­ful Messa di Glo­ria. With its ex­quis­ite arias and choral scenes blended to per­fec­tion with the or­ches­tral ac­com­pa­ni­ment, lis­ten­ing to it al­most feels like a melo­drama. The im­pas­sioned in­ter­pre­ta­tion of two renowned soloists at this fes­tive mass promises to de­liver a truly com­pelling ex­pe­ri­ence and we hope you’re just as ex­cited about it as us.

More about Prague Proms: Pietro Mascagni / Messa di Gloria Event www

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